Tuesday, March 11, 2025

1st and 2nd CCR Question

 CCR starts now!!! We are finally done filming, and now it is time to focus on our Creative Critical Reflection. Before I begin dissecting the questions and how I will go about answering them, I would like to decide what type of media I will create to answer my questions.

For my CCR that answers questions #1 and #2 I would like to create a video where I answer questions while baking. Although baking has no correlation to my project, I believe it will be a fun and engaging way to answer questions about my film. I had an idea to maybe make it like a baking show, where the style of the video is almost like I am teaching the audience how to bake while promoting the film and talking about it. In addition, I will be "determining my fate" by choosing the in ingredients from a cup anonymously, just like the fates determine the mortals destiny.

Now to begin the research on question number 1!
"How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?"
I will tackle this question by first by identifying what genre conventions I used since they are not your usual mix. My genre's of choice were a coming of age and a fantasy hybrid. Due to my selection, I was challenged with making the them blend together without complicating the storyline. To make the genre's seamlessly mix, I made sure to give backstory throughout the film that would allow for what would be confusing parts to make sense. My film also used classic film conventions such as the plot beginning in the past to allow for history on what is to come. The second part of this question is representations and social groups. My film represents teens figuring out their place in life and how they fit in to current societal norms. We see this through their personalities when they are transported to High School and are to find themselves as well as learn about the people around them. This may relate to teens with social disorders or adolescents struggling with fitting in and discovering who they truly are.

 Moving on to question number 2.
"How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?"
My project will engage with audiences by, being distributed to Youtube. I choose this platform because it is the most used media platform by adolescents. In addition, Youtube is known for its more time lengthy videos rather than TikTok. I engaged my target audience by creating relatable character, like Chloe who cares a lot about what others think of her and being trendy.

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Final CCR question

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