Saturday, February 22, 2025

Setting/Color Palette

 From the dark depths of The Underworld to bright corridors of a modern High School, the two settings of my film opening could not be more different! 

The Underworld will be filmed in my schools auditorium. I am hoping to achieve the look I am going for the with the access to spotlights and artificial lighting brings my project. This being, my setting ahs nothing to do with the theatre. I like to think of the auditorium when in relation to my project more as a filming studio where I can play around with the lighting to achieve my final result.

My second location choice is my schools registration desk. Because I am filming at an actual registration desk, props will not be a big part of my production process. Filming here also gives the quality of the film a real like tone. One reason I decided on this specific location is because of its easy access and bright colors. The colors of the office/desk will be a great contrast in compariso to the Underworld setting.

Overall Colors:

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