Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Analyzing 3 Film Openings

 The genre I have selected for my film opening is "Coming of Age" however I will be spicing it up with mystical and magical elements! I have chosen this genre because i like the wide variety of directions I could go with such a broad genre. I also decided to include whimsical elements into my film because I wanted to stray away from creating something unoriginal. The three film openings I will be analyzing are, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, The Wizard of Oz, and The Secret Garden.

 Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone:

 The opening scene of this film starts with an address on a darkened street. Off the bat, this sets the setting and tone of the beginning of the film. Notably, the non-diegetic music in a minor key adds onto the suspenseful tone. The magical elements of the movie are also seen rights away as he remove all street lights with a small magical tool. To add on, Wide shots were mainly used throughout the opening as it highlights the subject and setting at the same time.

The Wizard of Oz:

With various shots and angles, this classic story sets the rural scene of the beginning of the movie. Although there are no magic elements at the start of the film I did notice many parallels and foreshadowing. When Dorthys family was running after her when she fell I enjoyed the camera panning to follow are it gave a real sense of the groups chemistry.

The Secret Garden:

Culture accurate music and setting sets the scene for a stellar production. As Mary gets dressed by her maids, right away it shares the way Mary might view things due to her spoiled and poised personality. During this scene, the opening credits were also viewed along with a voiceover of Mary describing her current life. I addition, I enjoyed the diegetic sounds during the Earthquake this captured a life-like feeling to the film opening.

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