Tuesday, February 25, 2025

1st Day of Filming

  Today began the first day of our filming process. I am so thankful for the time my actors have put into helping me make this project the best it can be. As there is much to unpack on my experience, let's begin!  

To start off, I would like to talk about how cool it was to see my creation come to life. These characters that I have created from their personality to their style, and clothing, each one has their own persona, and I thought it was remarkable to see these creations take on my filming process with me. 

Something I learned from the beginning of this experience that I will take into account for the future is to make sure to account for everything. When we got to the filming location, I had realized that I never specified what to do for the fate's hair and makeup. Luckly, we were not on a time crunch and my actors were able to take a few minutes to do their hair and makeup. One more thing that I have learned just from the start of this process is to also account for background sound that is already present. Such as, a noisy office. Due to the sounds of people walking by keyboards clicking, and doors opening and closing, I was worried my audio would be ruined. Fortunately, I was able to record audio through someone's phone that I will simultaneously edit with the video footage 

Monday, February 24, 2025

Organizing Last Minute Things!

With much in store, it’s filming week!! Since we will be filming the office scene tomorrow, I have decided to make sure I have everything planned and up to parr. This will include what my actors are wearing, deciding where in the office I will film, and what shots and angles will be most effective for my film. 

Costumes/Clothing: In one of my blog posts last week, I stated the color theme of the outfits for the fates was going to be dark blue, grey, black, with accents of white. I also stated that the differences in the outfits would lie within the style of the clothing, rather than the color. This being said, I texted in our team group chat requesting what I would like all actors to wear, and we communicated on what would work best. Our final decision was to have Julia (Atropos/Abbi) in an oversized t shirt and jeans, in addition we added converse, sunglasses, and earbuds. To add on, Isabel (Clotho/Chloe) will be wearing a trendy tank top, a skirt, purse, and headband. Notably, Victoria portraying Lachesis/Lacy will be wearing a collared shirt layered with a sweater, glasses, and pants. 

Office Location: Since we are filming in my school’s office, we are making sure to film after-school hours so we will not be a disturbance to those around us.  

Effective shots and angles: I am not too worried about the intricacies of tomorrow's scenes shots and angles because, the underworld scene is going to consist of the most eye catching and meaningful ones. I do want to make sure I get many shots of the setting to set the scene for how the tone will play out. On top of this I would also like to make the scene seem chaotic but in an organized way. This is to make it obvious that Lacy is the mediator/organized fate. I plan to do this by filming the same scene from various angles to make the shots look busy but with intention. 

Group Chat Discussions:

Sunday, February 23, 2025


 Although sound is a big part of many films, for me it has not been that hard to decide the audio for my project. I know I would like music to play during the short clips of the school and the opening credits, however I am not sure what genre of music yet. I know I want to begin my film with the sound of Hades. breathing before his face is revealed. This adds an eire feel to the film.

 One challenge I might face when in production is balancing natural diegetic sounds with nondiegetic sounds. For example the sound of chatter in the halls and the background music playing during the opening credits.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Setting/Color Palette

 From the dark depths of The Underworld to bright corridors of a modern High School, the two settings of my film opening could not be more different! 

The Underworld will be filmed in my schools auditorium. I am hoping to achieve the look I am going for the with the access to spotlights and artificial lighting brings my project. This being, my setting ahs nothing to do with the theatre. I like to think of the auditorium when in relation to my project more as a filming studio where I can play around with the lighting to achieve my final result.

My second location choice is my schools registration desk. Because I am filming at an actual registration desk, props will not be a big part of my production process. Filming here also gives the quality of the film a real like tone. One reason I decided on this specific location is because of its easy access and bright colors. The colors of the office/desk will be a great contrast in compariso to the Underworld setting.

Overall Colors:

Friday, February 21, 2025

Lights, Camera, Action!

 As the setting for my film varies tremendously, lighting has been a huge mise-en-scene element that I have taken into consideration for my film opening project and how I would like to go about creating it.

Underworld: In Greek Mythology the Underworld is also known as the shadow realm, I choose to incorporate lots of black and white hues and shadow into the lighting of the Underworld. The way I am going about this is by creating a void in lighting. This will cast a light only on the object of my preference (The Fates). Not only will this highlight and draw attention the characters but it will also create the overall dark vibe of the setting and set the tone for the rest of the film.

 Contrast: I wanted a very different feel from one setting to the next. I achieve this in the lighting through copious ways. The first way I achieve this is through, the time period. Having the first setting with monotone lighting creates and still time frame making it seem like the scene takes place where time does not exist. The second setting having natural bright lighting gives "the real world" a total opposite feel.

 Real World: Because I wanted such a strong contrast in lighting with my two settings I decide to make the second setting very natural and bright, with green hues and plants. This makes the setting seem more lively compared to a area where time is still and nothing grows. The natural lighting also makes the film seem more personal and the Fates seem more human and reliable and storytellers.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Character Development

 Mortals and Immortals meet the Fates! These three wise women are those who thread the fate of life. When choosing the overall persona and outfits of these characters, I put lots of thought and research into my decisions. This varied from their task in the underworld to the 

 Names: When it got to naming my characters I had not much difficultly. When the fates are in the
"underworld" I choose to keep their names from greek mythology. However, when they are in "the real world", I played off their original names to create more modern day names for the fates. For example, Clotho is Chloe, Lachesis is Lacy, and Atropos is Abbi. These names sound similar to their original names and will be said while the girls are registering into the school. This provides as a great way to set up the opening of the film.

 Clothing: For the clothing of my characters I choose to keep the dark aesthetic of the mystic fates but give them each their own personal flair and style to them. I based this off the characters personality. For instance, Lachesis/Lacy cares about her future and is very smart so she has the stereotypical glasses and books with her. I choose darker colors for these girls to represent the beginning of their journey they are finding out what it means to be their own person and feel emotion so, I decided for them to all have that sam fresh start feel to them.

Chemistry: Considering the fates are sisters, I needed the three people I casted to have great chemistry. This girls blend perfectly with one another as they have been friends for many years and have all acted with each other in the past. 

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Mock Script

 As we are nearing the filming date I have been developing a script for my project. Due to my indecisiveness, I am not yet completely satisfied with the script I have created, but it is for sure an outline for the final one!


Scene 1:

You hear breathing first (black screen)

Opens Dark (Over-shoulder shot of Hades shows 3 fates) (Dark underworld void + fog)

Hades: these past years you have continuously proven yourselves to not be updated on the fresh batch of generations and their ideals.

Us gods and goddesses must be able to evolve our perspectives especially those who weave the thread of fate and govern the underworld (laughs)

Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos at once who must go to the world of the mortals learn their new ways and put yourself in their shoes. 

Atropos: Where exactly?

Clotho: Please don’t send us 

( Hades Slams table) = cuts to black screen

Scene 2:


Scene 3:

(Clips of school/credits)

(Abbi plays with item on registration desk)

Lacy: Stop it! (Under her breath)

*cute guy walks by (Chloe and guy make eye contact quick)

Lacy: Hi I’m Lacy and this is Chloe and Abbi Moirai we are new to this school and would like to check in.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

My Opening Synopsis

  Through its magical elements and fun-loving storyline my project depicts a fantasy like coming-of-age film opening. Though I am still piecing together my opening I have a good idea of the premise of the plot and things I would like to have featured. 

My film opening follows the Greek Mythological Goddesses/Moirai, the Fates as they open their journey navigating through today's age and interact with adolescents of the current generation. 

Scene 1: Hades directs the fates- 

This scene will begin with Hades (in the underworld which will be achieved with dark lights/void) commanding the Fates to go to the real world to learn about the new generation. This scene will include background on the Fates current job and why they need to be sent to the real world. This will also disclose why Hades picked a High School as the location they will be sent to

Scene 2: Credits/Title/Setting the scene- 

 The second scene will begin with a black screen (a transition from scene 1 to scene 2) displaying the title of the film. Later shots of the school will be displayed featuring the opening credits. 

Scene 3: The Fates registering into the school- 

For the final scene my initial thought was to have the Fates in a classroom, this way I could find a way to present each of their personalities. However, after further thought I decided to have them register into the new school. This not only gives an opportunity for them to say their new names that hold meaning, but it also leaves room for more commentary/jokes. 

Friday, February 14, 2025

Theory, Theory, Theory!

Today's theory I will be discussing is.... Character Theory (by Vladimir Propp). The character theory describes how characters can be organized into specific “roles. The theorist, “Propp” argues that there are seven different types of characters. They include Hero, Villain, Dispatcher, Helper, Donor, Princess, and False Hero.  

When considering the current state of my film, I believe my main characters consist of the Hero (The Fates) and Dispatcher (Hades). 

Hero: The hero is also known as the protagonist throughout the film. My main protagonists are the three fates. Also known as, Clotho/Chloe, Lachesis/Lacy, and Atropos/Abbi. Each character has their own unique personality depending on their job in correlation to threading the fate of those who are living and what tense the sang of. All Fates will have dark hues within their outfits. This creates a sense of unity between them.

Clotho/Chloe: Sang of this as they are (present) as her job was the spinner of fate. This will be reflected in her high school persona throughout her trendy outfits and up-to-state slang. 

Lachesis/Lacy: Sang of things that will be (future) as her job was to measure each thread. Her dorky and nerd-like personality and ethics will evidently represent this. 

Atropos/Abbi: Sang of things as they were (past) as her job was to cut the thread. Her retro style and love for old music will create her vibe of being hung up on the past. 

Dispatcher: The dispatcher’s role is to aid the protagonist and guide them throughout the plot. In my film opening the dispatcher is Hades. Many stories portray Hades as a villain, however mine will highlight him as a guide for The Fates as after all they affect the lives put in the Underworld. 

Finding The Perfect Song

Hiii, it has been a long week, but I still have work to do with my project! I was thinking and I believe  I need to add music to fill in ...