Thursday, August 29, 2024

Camera Shots & Angles Quiz

 For our first quiz, my class was instructed to create a story using an inanimate object. The story had to consist of 15 still shots using the techniques we had learned in our previous classes. The objective was to be able to correctly identify and take pictures using those techniques while, elaborating on the reasoning behind each picture and the impact the technique used for each picture has on the story.

 My partner and I, began our project by planning our storyline, character, and how the angles and shots would contribute to our storyline. After this, we took our pictures and later we put it all together on a power point and summarized our explanations for each photo. Our story follows the main character, a mobile phone throughout the school day and the troubles it faces. I really enjoyed trying to add human characteristics to an inanimate object. For example, the phone tries to get the humans attention from the backpack by sending the human notifications. I believe this gives the phone a needy personality.

 I believe, with the time and resources we were given we did really well. However, I think there are definitely things I could improve on. For example, I felt rushed while creating our story line because my partner and I aimed to have our pictures done by the end of class. However, I know with a little more time my story line could have been better. Another improvement I would like to work towards is trying to be a little more experimental and diverse, as well as executing the framing of my shots a little better. Other than these casualties, I believe my partner and I did a great job, and I can't wait to see my improvement as we learn more about shots and angles.

My project:

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